The Full Breakdown
Our Initiatives
We understand that when we say things like
"We are helping women who are pursuing their education",
you have one major question....
HOW do you plan on helping these women?
This breakdown is designed to help you more fully understand our programs and how we are allocating the resources you're providing us.

To assist Women of the Texas Panhandle by reducing the opportunity costs associated with attending college or trade school.
Initiative #1
Female Student Initiative
*We reserve the right to make adjustments and updates to our programs based on funding availability*
Qualifications for Initial Intake:
A Current and Valid State issued ID showing a Female (F) gender marker. Address on ID must show an address located in the 26 counties of the Texas Panhandle.
Currently enrolled in at least 6 credit hours at an institute or higher education or full-time enrollment in a trade school. Evidence of enrollment must include declared program curriculum and current schedule. If the declared program/major is changed, an updated copy of the curriculum must be provided prior to recertification.
*State IDs will only need to be provided at the initial intake and upon an audit of records, when or if the current ID on file becomes expired.*
Initial Program Offering:
FSI participants will be allotted $1,200 per year, $500 for the Fall and Spring Semesters each, $200 for the Summer semester. These funds will be held for use by Limitless Achievements to provide payment for qualifying expenses. To request these funds, participants in the FSI must provide a copy of an unpaid invoice with company contact information. If this invoice is determined to be a qualifying expense, Limitless Achievements will pay the vendor directly and deduct the amount from that semester’s allotment.
Qualifying Expenses Include, but are not limited to:
Utilities, including Internet and Cell Phone
Books/Tuition/School Supplies/Fees
Childcare (State Licensed Childcare Providers)
Community or School Organized Children’s Activities such as sports, dance classes, STEM activities, or other developmental activities
Out of pocket costs for Licensed Mental Health Therapy services
Car Repairs
In order to assist with providing for our client's needs, we will be partnering with other local non-profits to determine if our client qualifies for assistance through another program, to avoid pulling more than is necessary from their semester grant. We will refer women to other nonprofits to service needs not included in our list of qualified expenses.
In this same spirit, we are partnering with local businesses to provide discounted or donated services for our clients.
Proposed Program Expansion
Additional funding for participants who qualify for State Aid, such as SNAP or Medicaid/CHIP- $1200/year
Additional funding based on declared dependents on previous year’s tax return. $200/dependent/year- up to 4
Additional funding for women attending college or trade school Full-Time, additional $600/year

Initiative #2
Professional Growth Initiative
This will be Limitless Achievements second program to roll out. We expect this program to be ready for implementation approximately 5 months following the initial roll out of FSI, just in time for the potential graduation of our first FSI participants. The Professional Growth Initiative will be included as a part of the FSI and available to all FSI participants once implemented as long as they have been a participant in FSI at least 1 day in the previous 12 calendar months.
PGI will focus on assisting women to gain confidence in their professional lives through various career building services.
Services will include, but not be limited to:
Self-marketing materials, such as business cards
Limitless Achievements preferred Job Boards for local employers
Potential Employers will meet certain requirements for inclusion, such as transparent wage/schedule/job description disclosure and a combination of perks for work/life balance (pto/paid holidays, flexible schedule, remote work, etc)
Invitations to attend Networking Events to meet other local professionals and entrepreneurs at no out of pocket cost.
"My Sister's Closet"- a collection of donated new or lightly used clothing, shoes, and accessories that can be accessed by women in our program for job interviews and/or professional wardrobe needs.
*PGI services will be a separate funding allotment and will not impact participants’ FSI funds*